Yes, many times already discussed all media scandal - Tunel Blanka would be opened after a few delays in March and April 2015. All the people of Prague and make it much easier to pass through Prague. With the new tunnel will be easy to get from Prague 7 and 8 to Prague 6 and 5 Prague residents and drivers passing by Prague with significant relief from time consuming creeping columns in Letná, Hradčanská, Museums and Charles Square. After launching the Blanka tunnel management plans city traffic restrictions that will bring more traffic into the tunnel Blanka.
Blanka tunnel complex is being built as part of the Prague City Ring Road between the flyo-ver Malovanka (ending Strahov tunnel in Prague 6) and a flyover Pelc-Tyrolka (Prague 7 - Troja). Blanka tunnel length is about 6.4 km. Tunel Blanka consists in fact more tunnels - namely Bubenečský tunnel, Dejvický tunnel and Brusnický tunnel. Tunnel complex, con-struction of which was commissioned by the former political class under the leadership of Mayor Pavel Bem, was originally scheduled to open in 2011. Originally, the building con-struction of a tunnel Blanka Prague should cost municipal treasury about 28 billion, the final price will be much higher. Reportedly no corruption was proved in connection with the con-struction of the tunnel Blanka.
Implementation of the first part of the tunnel Blanka began with construction in 2005 Malo-vanka, in 2007, construction began in Letná and in Troja. On Hradčanská a large construc-tion began in the summer of 2008, then opened the construction site on Prašný most and Myslbek. In 2010 went into high gear and work in the street Patočkova and Troja bridge. In 2013 Prašný most intersection was returned to the original position. Along with the construc-tion of the Blanka tunnel was built new Trojský bridge that spanned the Holešovice and Troja, which opened to traffic on Monday 5th October 2014.